Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Yakutat Homework

3) What was the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendment?
-Legally ended slavery
-It made them citizens. 
-“The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."
-It gave vlack men the right to vote. 

4) How was the 14th Amendment reinterpreted? How was the 15th Amendment interrupted?
-No state shall discriminate the blacks because of their race. Look at the wording, no STATE shall deny a black person. If you owned a personal business, you could be a racist as you want.

5) List ways a slave rebelled. 
-They could run away, slowing down production, and physically rebel. They also rebelled in their songs that they sang. 

6) Zinn tries to show slavery from a slaves perspective, what are three things he says?
-That slavery was never going to end by a rebellion but inly if it were economically good for the U.S., they were very sad and depressed although people thought they weren't because they sang and danced at night, that black people could never be civilized, and that in some places slavery was cruel and harsh.

7) After the Civil War how did the South prevent former slaves from attaining power?

8) Why didn't former slaves move after the Civil War?

9) Name two slave uprisings. 
-Nat Turners rebellion and Conspiracy of Denmark Vey.

10) How many people died in the Civil War?
620,000 died total
2% of the population (Most of them were men.) 
Confederates lost 260,000 out of 1 million that enlisted
Union lost 360,000 out of 2,300,000 that enlisted

11) Give the dates of the war.
-April 1861 – April 1865

-July 1st-3rd, Generals were Robert E. Lee and George Mead. an invasion of the north by Robert E. Lee. 70,000 men were lost, it was a three day battle, northern victory. Fought in Pennsylvania and July 1st through the 3rd. The south retreated in the fourth. It is known as the turning point of the war. After the battle, Robert E. Lee didn't have the people to fight a defensive battle because he had lost most of his men.

-April 8th 1865, Lee surrendered to Grant but the terms were generous. The soldiers could go home with their horses, they would keep their side arms, and they were given three days worth of rations. This battle basically end the war, once Lee surrendered, the South knew the war was over.

-Sept. 17th 1863, The Generals were Lee and MeClellen  Northern Vicotry. It was important because the southern loss discouraged England and France from recognizing the south as a country. Plus, the north finally had a victory that allowed Lincoln to put the Emancipation Proclamation into effect. They fought to a draw.

-It was April 6-7 1862, Albert Sydney Johnston attacked Grant's army. Union victory and it is important because this battle is the once where people knew this wasn't going to be a short war. Also, Albert Sidney Johnston died. 

Bull Run
-July 1861, Confederate victory, the Generals were Joe Johnston and Beauregard, both side knew that there wasn't going to be a victory in just one battle. One day battle. People came and watched the battle. 

-May 2nd 1863. Chancellorsville was a complete southern victory yet Stonewall Jackson gets himself shot and killed. Stonewalls Jackson is Lee's right hand man. He doesn't have anyone else to replace Jackson. Union was lead by Joe Hooker. Lee divides his army.

Sherman’s March to the Sea
-He started on November 16, 1863 and he was ordered use total warfare to destroy everything in his path. No one really fought back.

Albert Sidney Johnson
-He got shot in the leg and bled out in the Battle of Shiloh. He was a confederate general. He surprise attacks Grant and all was going well until he was shot in the leg. He died and there was no one to replace him.

Ulysses S. Grant
-He was the 18th president, but before he was the big General for the union, he pretty much controlled the whole Union army. He was reasonable for the surrender of the south at the court house. He was commander in chief of all US forces.

Joe Johnson
- He eventually takes over the army of Tennessee, he was the second general after lee. He surrenders to Sherman in the war.

Joe Hooker
-Union General, he tales over the army of pot. for a while he is almost dimotioned by Lee and Stonewall and it really ruined his career.

Tecumseh Sherman
-He was a Union general. He lead Sherman's March to the Sea. He was a perfect example of what the north would do to win the war.

Robert E Lee
Major confederate general, he as a very impressive general.

Thomas Stonewall Jackson
-He was a confederate general. He was Lee's right hand man.
A.P. Hill
James Longstreet
Booker T Washington
Sojourner Truth
Harriet Tubman
Frederick Douglas

1) Why does the author suggest that John Brown had a sense of humor?
-He put a cheap price on the president for 2.50

2) What was John Brown's plan?
-He was going to take over the arsenal and have slave come and fight for him. No one came and he was captured. 

3) Why did John Brown become a symbol?
-He was viewed as a martyr cause he tried to do what was the right thing to some people he was supposed to represent hope. For the south he was a symbol for what was to come. 

4) When and why did South Carolina succeed from the Union?
-December 20, 1860, they succeeded because they thought they had the right to leave the union and they were the first to succeed.

5) List some of the advantages of the North at the beginning of the war. List some of the advantages of the South at the beginning of the war.

6) List some of the famous battles of the Civil War with a brief description of each.

7) How do you view Lincoln's suspension of "the writ of habeas corpus"?

8) What if Lee's plan had not been found at the battle of Antiem?

9) What was the reconstruction?
It was a series of acts the was a form of punishment for the confederates.
-The states had to meet certain requirements if they wanted to come back to the states.
-The 14th amendment
  -It gave the blacks the right to vote and made then citizens. 
-It divided the south into military regions controlled by military governors. 

10) Why did the Klu Klux Klan form?
-Some poeple didn't like the fact that blacks were becoming their equals. 

11) Discuss Andrew Johnson's impeachment.
-He tried to remove one of his own cabinet members. He was trying to fallow up Lincoln's plan, but his views on slavery were different from the others from the North, so people used this as a way to try and remove him from office.

How did the Civil War shape our lives today? 
-If the confederates won, then we would still have slaves, and now we have a more central government. 

Name three ways the Civil War changed the South.
-Their economy was dead, they didn't have plantations
-Their farms were destroyed because of the idea of total war. Not only do you kill their army, they are playing a mind game. 
-It gives rise to terror like the K.K.K. and more racism. 
-No more slaves

What constitutional right did Lincoln suspend?
-Habeas Corpus, it is legal action that says a prisoner can be released from unfair jailing. 

List the four border states.

Why did West Virginia form?
-It split because it was a divided state politicly and people who wanted to join union could go live in West Virginia and after the war they never went back. They never went back probably because they to states resented each other. 

What disadvantages did the South fact?
-They were out produced and the north had a lot more people. 

Why did the Confederate States believe they had a right to leave the Union?
-Because they thought that the US was a bunch of states together, but they had their own state rights. So they thought they had a constitutional right.

What were the three main strategies of the Union?
-They were gonna blockade all of their ports, take Richman, and get the Mississippi river so it was harder for the south to move supplies split the south in two. 

What was the average age of soldiers who fought in the Civil War?
-The average age was 25 but 40% were 21 years old or younger.

What was the outcome of Bull Run?

  • 1st Battle- July 26, 1861
    • The confederates were under General Joseph E. Johnson and Beauregard
    • The union was under the rule of General Thomas J. Jackson.
    • The Union loses. 
  • 2nd Battle August 28-30, 1862
    • The confederates won
    • The confederate were lead by Lee, Jackson, and Longstreet
    • Union controlled by John Pope

Discuss the Battle of Shiloh.
-The union was led by U.S. Grant and Don Carlos Buell 
-The Confederates were led by Albert Sidney Johnston and P.G.T. Beauregard  
- It was a Union victory
-There were about 23,746 people in the war total 
-It took place in Hardin County on April 6-7, 1862

What were Lincoln’s reasons for the Emancipation Proclamation?
-It frees all the slaves on territory's that are still in rebellion. All of the Slaves run away and fight for the Northern army.  It was a political weapon to scare people. There was a risk of slave uprisings. 

What did the 13th Amendment do?
-It officially ended slavery.

How was the Civil War a rich man’s war but a poor man’s fight?
-Because poor men would get payed to fight for the rich men who didn't want to fight. So technically it was the rich men's war, but poor men fought it.

Discuss the draft laws in the north.
-Rich white men could pay their name out of the draft or they could pay poor men to fight for them. 

Discuss the importance of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg.
-Gettysburg was an invasion of the north by Robert E. Lee. 70,000 men were lost, it was a three day battle, northern victory. Fought in Pennsylvania and July 1st through the 3rd. The south retreated in the fourth. It is known as the turning point of the war. After the battle, Robert E. Lee didn't have the people to fight a defensive battle because he had lost most of his men. 
-Chancellorsville was a complete southern victory yet Stonewall Jackson gets himself shot and killed. Stonewalls jackson is Lee's right hand man. He doesn't have anyone else to replace Jackson. Union was lead by Joe Hooker.


How did Sherman use “Total War” against the South?
-When he was at war, there was no mercy. He would destroy everything n his path to get inside his opponents head. He would do things like burn down farm, houses, and kill everyone of his opponents that he was fighting. 

Who were the Presidents of the Confederacy and the United States during the Civil War?
-Abraham Lincoln
-Jefferson Davis
..... They were both born in Kentucky....... 

What, exactly, did the Emancipation Proclamation do?
-It freed all of the slaves in the states that were still in rebellion under confederate control. This made it so all of those states that were still at war, lost all of their slaves to the army's of the North. Although it didn't really do much because they were under control of the enemy. It was a political weapon. 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Civil War Don't Know Much About HIstory


How did the Civil War shape our lives today? 
-Name three ways the Civil War changed the South.
-Their economy was dead, they didn't have plantations
-Their farms were destroyed because of the idea of total war. Not only do you kill their army, they are playing a mind game. 
-It gives rise to terror like the K.K.K. and more racism. 
-No more slaves

What constitutional right did Lincoln suspend?
-Habeas Corpus, it is legal action that says a prisoner can be released from unfair jailing. 

List the four border states.

Why did West Virginia form?
-It split because it was a divided state politicly and people who wanted to join union could go live in West Virginia and after the war they never went back. They never went back probably because they to states resented each other. 

What disadvantages did the South face?
-They were out produced and the north had a lot more people. 

Why did the Confederate States believe they had a right to leave the Union?
-What were the three main strategies of the Union?
-What was the average age of soldiers who fought in the Civil War?
-The average age was 25 but 40% were 21 years old or younger. 

What was the outcome of Bull Run?

  • 1st Battle- July 26, 1861
    • The confederates were under General Joseph E. Johnson and Beauregard
    • The union was under the rule of General Thomas J. Jackson.
    • The Union loses. 
  • 2nd Battle August 28-30, 1862
    • The confederates won
    • The confederate were lead by Lee, Jackson, and Longstreet
    • Union controlled by John Pope

Discuss the Battle of Shiloh.
-The union was led by U.S. Grant and Don Carlos Buell 
-The Confederates were led by Albert Sidney Johnston and P.G.T. Beauregard  
- It was a Union victory
-There were about 23,746 people in the war total 
-It took place in Hardin County on April 6-7, 1862

What were Lincoln’s reasons for the Emancipation Proclamation?
-It frees all the slaves on territory's that are still in rebellion. All of the Slaves run away and fight for the Northern army.  It was a political weapon to scare people. There was a risk of slave uprisings. 

What did the 13th Amendment do?
-It officially ended slavery. 

How was the Civil War a rich man’s war but a poor man’s fight?
-The south wanted independence. In the north if you had money you could bye yourself out of the draft if you were drawn or pay someone to go to war for you. The front line of men in the war were mostly poor men. 

Discuss the draft laws in the north.
-Rich men could bye themselves out of the war if they were drafted or they could pay poor men to fight for them. 

Discuss the importance of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg.
-Invasion of the north by Robert E. Lee. 70,000 men were lost, it was a three day battle, northern victory. Fought in Pennsylvania and July 1st through the 3rd. The south retreated in the fourth. It is known as the turning point of the war. After the battle, Robert E. Lee didn't have the people to fight a defensive battle because he had lost most of his men. 
-Chancellorsville was a complete southern victory yet Stonewall Jackson gets himself shot and killed. Stonewalls jackson is Lee's right hand man. He doesn't have anyone else to replace Jackson. Union was lead by Joe Hooker. 

How did Sherman use “Total War” against the South?
-When he was at war, there was no mercy. He would destroy everything n his path to get inside his opponents head. He would do things like burn down farm, houses, and kill everyone of his opponents that he was fighting. 

Who were the Presidents of the Confederacy and the United States during the Civil War?
-Abraham Lincoln
-Jefferson Davis
..... They were both born in Kentucky....... 

What, exactly, did the Emancipation Proclamation do?
-It freed all of the slaves in the states that were still in rebellion. This made it so all of those states that were still at war, lost all of their slaves to the army's of the North.