Tuesday, April 17, 2012

WWI/Depression Test Study Questions

Amendments 15-19
15- Gave black men the right to vote. 
16- Let congress lay and collect income taxes. 
17-Gave people the right to vote for their representatives directly. 
18-Prohibition act. 
19- Provided for women's suffrage. 

What is important about Henry Ford? How did he change America?
-He was the first to invent an affordable car and he also was the first person to use the assembly line. Without his cars, only the wealthy would have cars, and they possibly could today, not be as popular. He also raised the amount of money he paid his workers so they would work hard and so they could also buy cars themselves. 

What is important about Charles Lindbergh? How did he symbolize the times?
- He was the fist man to fly alone across the Atlantic Ocean. He was ambitious and went big and bold. This symbolizes this time because everything that happens in the twenties is ambitious, Babe Ruth, big and bold, Jazz and swing dance. 

What were "pool operators" and how were they crooked?
-They were the political machines, or political bosses. They collected votes by bribing people with money, and immigrants with jobs fro their loyalty. They would gather votes with bribes and win elections. 

How were stocks inflated? How did this cause the crash?
-They would buy stock for companies who aren't off the ground yet, they wouldn't pay all of the money for the stock, and the stock broker would barrow the rest of the money from the bank. So, they didn't really own the whole stock. So, the banks were in giant debt, and all of their wealth was on paper. 

What was Black Thursday and Black Tuesday?
- Black Thursday was the day that panicked traders sold almost 13 million stocks on October 24, 1929.
-Black Tuesday, October 29th, more then 16million shares were sold off. 

What was Hoover's view of Government relief programs?
-He believed that relief programs were communistic or socialistic. 

What was the "Bonus Army"? What did it do? What happened to it? 
- It was the veterans that fought in WWI were told that they would get a bonus of $1000 dollars after the war was over. The depression hit and they wanted their money, but they were dinied. They went to DC and tried to get their money, but turned to violence and were kicked out of DC. 

What happened during the "Hundred Days"?
- It was the first hundred days Roosevelt's days in office. He set 15 proposals to congress and everyone of them passed. It was a very successful hundred days and no other president had done this much in so little time. 

What was the WPA and what did it do?
-Works Progress Administration employed men and women to build hospitals, schools, parks, and airports. It also employed artists, writers, and musicians.  

What were some programs set up during the Depression that are still with us today?
-Social security system, minimum wage, child labor laws, government insured banks. 

What were Roosevelt's FIRESIDE CHATS and why did they become important?
-It was a radio program where Roosevelt spoke. When people would listen, they felt like the president was talking to them, so more people listen. It became important because he was the first President to use mass media so people could listen to him. It also made people feel good, even though the depression was going on. This reinsured people that everything was going to end up ok. 

Discuss the philosophical reasons World War I began.
- Nationalism, searching to independence, system to allies. 

What was the initial spark that began World War I?
-The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. 

Who were the allies? Who were the central powers?
-Allies- United Kingdom, France, Portugal, Italy, Albania, Monte Negro, Greece, Serbia, Romania, Russia, Cyrus. 
-Central Powers- Germany, Austria- Hungary, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire. 

List five advancements in technology that lead to high causalities.
Machine gun
Toxic gas

Describe trench warfare.
-They would dig trenches in the ground to protect themselves from flying bullets. Although it was awful. They also had supports trenches behind the lines that were used as head quarters, first aids centers, and storage areas. 

What was the Lusitania?
-The Lusitania was a merchant ship that was sunk. They had no proof, just it was sank for suspicion of having war supplies on it. But, it ended up having was supplies. 

Why did America eventually enter the war (list two reasons)?
-The two reasons America joined the war was the sinking of the Lusitania, and the Zimmerman Telegram that was bribing Mexico to join the war on the German side. 

When was the Russian Revolution?
-After the Zimmerman Telegram, Russian rioted and went on strikes and eventually threw over the monarchy. In its place, the established a temporary government that promised free elections. 

Discuss the importance of the Battle of the Marne.
- The battle of Marne was the first major battle fought in the war. Also, it saved Paris from invasion by the Germans and boosted French morale. It was fought from September 5-12, 1914. 

How did World War I change the United States?
- Because of the war, industry production boomed as well as the economy. In order to keep up with was they needed for the war, new technologies were invented to increase produsiton. Also, there were more job opportunities for women and African Americans. But after the war ended, men who were fighting over seas needed jobs so less women got to work. 

Discuss the Treaty of Versailles. What did it do? Why did the U.S. reject it?
- Under the terms of the treaty of Versailles, Germany would have to take full responsibility of the war, paying billions of dollars. Germany also had to disarm completely and give up all over sea territories and some in Europe.The treaty carved up the Austro- Hungary  and Russian Empires to create new nations and restore old ones. The U.S rejected it because some people thought it dealt with Germany to harshly and some worried about the participation in the League of Nations, which marked a permanent American commitment to international affairs. 

Who was Marcus Garvey? What were his ideas? 
-He was an African American who was born into a poor family and was educated in journalism. He moved to New York when he was 28 years old. He opposed integration and encouraged African Americans to move back to Africa. He also encouraged other black people to start business and be prideful of their race. 

How was Harding's Presidency corrupt?
-After he was elected, he admitted the was wasn't qualified for the job. So, he hired a bunch of his friend into cabinet that knew what they were doing. 

How did the 20s change America? (think consumer society, entertainment, sports, fashion, politics)
-Without the twenties, there would be no Jazz, radio, television, swing dance. The twenties were full of ambition and excitement. Legendary Babe Ruth set a record for home runs, Henry Ford invented the Model T. Also, it was the time that alcohol was not allowed, thus more popular and encouraged organized crime. 

What was the Harlem Renaissance? List three members.
- A flowering of African American culture. During the Harlem Renaissance, black writers wrote novels, poems, and short stories and the experiences they had. Some members were Langston Hughes, James Weldon Johnson, Claude McKay, Countee Cullen, and Zora Neale Hurston. 

How did prohibition lead to the raise of organized crime? Who was Al Capone?
-Because alcohol was illegal, it was instantly wanted even more. Millions of dollars was made by making and selling alcohol. Al Capone is was of the most famous people back then, He organized crime and local politics. He was eventually arrested and sent to prison. 

What was the Dust Bowl? 
- Region of the US where the land dried out and it was unable to grow any crops. The region was Western Kansas and Oklahoma, northern Texas, eastern Colorado, and New Mexico. 

Discuss entertainment during the 1930s?
-When people had the time, they would get to together and play cards, play football or baseball, kids would make up games, and if they could afford it, go to the movies. 

Who was Huey Long? What did he promise people?
- He was a senator who tried to get a plan where wealthy people were taxed heavily and that money would be used to give poor people homes and 2,500 dollars a year. He was assassinated in 1935. 

How did Roosevelt try and stack the Supreme Court?
- He wanted to choose another 6 members of the Court and then he would only need another two people to agree with him for the majority. 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Chapter 25 Study Questions

#2. What did the Bonus Army want the Government to do?
-They wanted their 1,000-dollar bonus right away, so they marched to D.C. to demand their money.

#3. What was the New Deal?
-       It is the laws that were passed during the Hundred Days. The laws were…
o   Civilian Conservation Corps
o   Tennessee Valley Authority
o   Federal Emergency Relief Administration
o   Agricultural Adjustment Administration
o   National recovery Administration
o   Public Works Administration
o   Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

#4. How did the CCC benefit the unemployed as well as the nation?
-They hired about 3 million men to work on projects that benefitted the public, planted trees to reforest areas, built levees for flood control, and improved national parks.

#5. In what region was the Dust Bowl centered?
- Western Kansas, Oklahoma, northern Texas, New Mexico, and eastern Colorado.

#6. Summarize the advances made by African Americans and women during the Great Depression.
-Women had to be the main support in some of the families because although they could get a job, it paid less then men. On top of trying to get a job, women had to mend their own clothes, bake their own bread, and can their own vegetables. Some women also start their own businesses.
-African Americans had a very hard time finding jobs. They often found that white men who lost theirs were taking their jobs. They did make some political gains during the depression. Roosevelt hired blacks to federal posts. He has a group of advisors known as the Black Cabinet.
#7. What was the purpose of the social Security Act?
-It put a tax on workers and employers so that money could provide monthly pensions for retired people. There was also a tax on employers alone that paid people who lost their jobs. This act also helped the disabled, poor elderly, and children whose parents couldn’t support them.

#8 Describe two laws passed during the Second New Deal that helped workers and unions.
-The Fail Labor Standers Act banned child labor and set a minimum wage at 40 cents an hour.
-Congress of Industrial organization helped create industrial unions.

#9. How did the trend of buying on credit in the 1920’s affect banks during the Depression?
-Small banks failed when farmers failed to pay back their loans and some large banks even had to close because of the stack market crash.

#10. How did new technology help cause the Dust Bowl disaster?
-When farmers were using machinery, like tractor, they cleared millions of acres of sod for wheat farming. They didn’t realize that the root held the soil together. So the soil dried out, making it impossible to grow new crops.

#11. List two ways the federal government changed during Roosevelt’s administration.
- Roosevelt tried to fins new jobs so people could work and support their families. He also rebuilt the banking system to prevent an event like this happening again.