Friday, November 18, 2011

Study Questions

  1.  What was the 1st constitution? What powers did it give the government?
    1. The Articles of Confederation. It gave the congress the power to control the war and foreign policy. 
  2. What was the paradox of the war (at least from Britain's point of view)?
    1. The British had no reason for winning the war, if anything if they won it would only make for problems, and if they lost the only thing it would hurt was their pride.
  3. What was Washington's main strength as a commander? Why did he win the war?
    1. He was a gentlemen and never did anything cruel. Also he knew his main task was to train the army, keep it in the field, supply it, and pay it. He also was a strategist.   
  4. What were the four point of the Peace of Paris- as laid out by John Adams
    1. The four points
      1. outright independence of the Untied States, and withdrawal of all British forces
      2. Canada to remain British and a definitive boundary to be drawn. 
      3. Agreement on the boundaries of all Thirteen States
      4. Freedom for fishing off Newfoundland, the first international fisheries agreement
  5. Why did slavery increase during the revolution? 
    1. There was no mention of freedom made in the Declaration
  6. Who were the big losers of the war (name three)? List what they lost and explain why they are the biggest losers.
    1. The French, The Spanish, and the Natives. The french lost money, the natives lost tribes and the Spanish was weaker and poorer 
  7. What happened to the Loyalists in America after the war?
    1. Some went back to Britain 
    2. Some went to Canada 
    3. Some felt betrayed 
  8. What were the most important battles of the war? (Note battle are plural). 
    1. Quebec
    2. Lexington & Concord
    3. Bunker Hill
    4. Fort Ticonderoga
    5. Saratoga
  9. List at least five reasons why the Americans won.
    1. George Washington was their leader
    2. They had a goal for their independence.
    3. They fought on their land.   
  10. Why did the British strategy for the war make little sense?
    1. They didn't have an experienced leader.
  11. How did the British fail to win the war in 1776? Who was the general in charge? 
    1. Howe was the general
    2. Their plan wasn't very good and not carried out. 
  12. "America was already developing the notion that all were entitles to the best if they worked hard enough, that aiming high was not only morally accepted but admirable." Discuss that importance of this statement. 
    1. If you lived in America, if you worked hoard enough you can become of a higher social status. In Britain, if you were a lower class then you weren't supposed to want nice things and you just had to deal with the caste you were born into. 
  13. Who were the two most important people involved with the push towards a new constitution. 
    1. Alexander Hamilton and James Madison. 
      1. Hamiltons bog reasons was because America was in debpt. To get the states out of debt, you need a strong central governement. 
      2. Madison and Hamilton both wanted a strong central government. Constitution didn't happen over night. It was long debated. When they went to fix the constitution they threw out the old one. 
  14. Why did the Articles of Confederation fail?
    1. Couldn't collect taxes. 
    2. The power was mainly in the state governments
    3. There was no central government. 
  15. In your opinion why would some people prefer state rights over a central governemnt. What are arguments for both sides. 
    1. Not all laws apply to every state and they were all different. Also it was feared that if they had a central government, then it can become too controlling. 
    2. On the other hand having a central government would keep you united country and on the same page. 
  16. What is a nomocracy? How do you feel about this term connected with the U.S. government?
    1. A government ruled by law. 
    2. It is accurate, if you are a lawyer you have more wealth 
  17. What were the three compromises in the Constitution? Which one of these seems the strangest to you?
    1. Compromise one 
      1. Gave the house of representatives, directly elected by popular votes on the localities, the control of money Bills, and a senate, particularly charged with foreign policy and other matters, to represent the states, with senators for each state, chosen by individual legislatures. 
    2. Compromise two
      1. Gave congress the power to regulate or ban the slave trade.
        1. They word slave or slavery was avoided
        2. slaves were counted as 3/5 of a person when it came to population, but didn't have the right to vote
          1. It would raise their population for more representatives. 
        3.  they omitted any condemnation of slavery. 
    3. Compromise three
      1. It dealt with the election of the president. 
      2. Madison and Hamilton wanted a presidency for a strong central government. 
  18. What is the irony about the President vs. a King as example by Johnson. 
    1. He didn't wan the power in the hands of stupid people because they would do stupid things. The president was almost a dictator. Hr had more power then most kings of the time. Though, unlike the king, the president was the only official elected by the entirenation. Kings were born into power. 

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