Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Chapter 5 Section 2 notes

  • 1768- British sent officers to colonies in fear of rebellion.
  • March 5, 1770 the Boston Massacre took place, fight British vs. Colonists, 5 died
    • Colonial leaders used killing as propaganda against British
    • Boston Massacre lead to stronger boycotts
  • 1772, Adams revived the Boston committee of correspondence to organize protests
  • 1773- Tea Act
    •  Made the compony able to send tea to the colonies without paying the usual taxes. 
  • December 16, 342 boxes of tea were thrown into the Boston Harbor by Son of Liberty dressed as Mohawks
  • 1774- Coercive acts
    • Made to punish colonist
    • closed Boston Harbor
    • Colonists here forces to shelter soldiers
  • The Quebec acts
    • it gave religious freedom to French Canadian Catholics
  • All the new laws were knew by the colonists as the Intolerable Acts. 

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