Monday, October 24, 2011

Pg 134, #1-5

1) The Writes of Assistance was thought to, in the long run, to help the revenue. But really, it just lead to the boycott of acts and laws. For example many people signed the nonimportation agreement. So a resolution was declared in the colonists favor. It would eventually repel the Stamp act.

2) The colonists felt like they were being stripped of their freedom so they rebelled and then the British got angery. Another reason was the colonists felt like the British was being unfair.

3) Because they felt like they couldn't be secure in their home.

4) Because the British were in best and they felt the colonists should pay for it and the colonists felt differently, so they rebelled which only have the British want to take more of their freedom and more if their rights.

5) Sugar act- Angered the colonists, they thought their rights were being taken
Stamp Act- The house os burgesses protested, there were boycotts, the Sons of Liberty was created to rebel
Townshend Act- Colonists were outraged, they left onlt they could tax themselves, they brouhgt back the boycott, women even protested, daughters of liberty.

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