Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Don't Know Much About History, Chapter 2

o   King Philip’s war
§  Summer 1676
§  Metacom/ King Philip
§  Vicious war/ Mohegan’s
o   Nat Bacon’s Rebellion
§  1676
§  Governor Berkley limits colonists expansion
§  Bacon raises troops and goes and kills Indians.
§  Berkeley declares Bacon an outlander
§  Bacon burns Berkeley’s mansion
§  British troops come.
o   Salem Witch Trials
§  1692
§  Shows the danger of church/state connection.
o   The Great Awakening
§  1740’s
§  Jonathan Edward
·      Religious reverend “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”
§  Leads to the funding of many universities
·      Princeton, Brown, Rutgers, and Dartmouth.
§  Divisions of church and state
§  Spirit of toleration (religious)
o   John Peter Zenger
§  1732
§  Trial for printing “advertisements” or political cartoons
§  Freedom of press
o   French and Indian War
§  French/ English world domination and North America
§  French had natives on their side because they were more interested in trade while the English just wanted to take land.
§  French was the lesser of two evils.
§  William Pitt
·      Savior of the war for the English
·      Conquest of North America
·      Able to barrow/ raise money to win war
§  James Wolfe and Jeffery Amherst
·      Commanders that helped win war
·      Amherst gave natives blankets from smallpox hospital
o   Events that lead to the Revolutionary war
§  Sugar Act
·      Tax on all sugar
§  Stamp Act
·      Taxes on everything with a stamp on it
§  Townshend Act
·      British troops to America
·      Boston massacre
§  Tea Act
·      1773
·      Boston Tea Party
§  Intolerable Acts  (kings punishment)
·      Closes down Boston harbor
·      Revoked Massachusetts’ charter
·      Soldiers- housed
·      Administration of Justice act
·      Quebec act
o   Upset Massachusetts and Virginia
o   Gave the land of the Ohio country into the hands of Quebec
o   Sons of Liberty
§  Samuel Adams
§  James Otis
·      “No taxation without representation.”
§  Crispus Attucks
·      African American who fought and died in the revolutionary war
§  Paul Revere.
o   Lexington and Concord
§  April, 1775
§  Paul Revere’s ride wasn’t only to warn the fighters, but to tell John Hancock and Sam Adams that the British were coming for them. 

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