Tuesday, September 20, 2011

History Sitka Trip Work.

History Trip Work

#8) Easy product movement, deals for large families, tobacco growth, religious freedom
#9) Low, flat, seacoast terrain. Lots of servants and easy product movement.
#10) The strong  religious revival in the 1720’s
#11) Germans
#12) Middle- they had fertile soil so they had bigger crops then resulted in a bigger profit. New England- They had thin, rocky dirt so they had more trouble growing crops, and they didn’t have much farming.
#13) A powerful group of natives in the eastern part of America mad up of five nations: Mohawk, Senecca, Cayuga, Onondaga, and Oneida.
#14) To make certain that only England benefitted from trade with the colonies. 
#15) The movement that spread was that the idea the knowledge, reason, and sciece could better scoiety
#16) Canada, and some land east of the Mississippi
#17) Because people owned land west of the Appalachians. 

1 comment:

  1. #11 - Quakers not Germans.
    #17 - "Owned" may not be technically correct. They wanted land or had taken land, but ownership may be debated.
