Friday, August 26, 2011

#'s 1-6, pg. 80

  1. Puritans would persecute the separatists because they had a low tolerance for other religions. The separatists dissented the beliefs of the Anglicans, so they got aboard the mayflower. They then considered themselves pilgrims. Shortly after they arrived in america the created the mayflower compact to document their laws. 
  2. They wanted to reform a church because they disagreed with the beliefs of the Anglicans.
  3. Religious freedom for everyone. 
  4. They were both constitutions and they both told the colonists what their laws were and what they needed to do and it was was going to be run.
  5. Colonists interactions with natives
    1. Increased trade
    2. war
    3. Taking all of the power away from natives 
  6. rum, lumbers, furs

1 comment:

  1. Hannah - look at the following questions: 1) "Dissented the beliefs" - do you mean "resented" or "dissented from the beliefs of". Also, you need to capitalize proper nouns.

    5) "War" and "Taking all of the power from the natives" are nearly the same thing.
