Monday, August 22, 2011

Review Questions and Questions from Yesterday...

1) What was the population of the Americas in 1491?
            1-100 million
2) What advantages did the Europeans have over the Native Americans?
            Writing, they were immune to dieses, and they had weapons.

3) How did the crusades effect (or lead to) the discovery of the Americas?
Roman empire falls then splits into multiple pockets of countries. 1095-1291- technical crusades. Came into contact with Muslims. Discover a taste for Asian spices, trade. 13th-14th renaissance begins in tatly. Immediate trade through Asia. Don’t want to pay tax so the begin to look for different trade routes. 1492—Columbus goes to American looking for resources, trade.

4) What did Europe want in the East Indies (China, Japan, India)?
Silk, spices.

5) How was Marco Polo important to the Discovery of the Americas?
When people read his book, it made people want to explore the world just as he did Columbus read the book and it caused him to sail America.

1) Create a chart with a list of Native Americans according to each region. For this chart give dates (if possible) for the raise and fall of the group. Also, include major achievements of each group.
See other page!

2) What is your general impression of the Americas before the arrival of Columbus? Before Columbus came, I think that all of the different tribes had it together were becoming well-developed communities.

3) What groups formed the Iroquois League? When was this group formed and for what reason? The Onondagas, Seneca, Mohawk, Oneida, and the Cayuga. The group formed in the late 1500’s, and they formed for peace.

4) What are hieroglyphics? What Native groups used them?
 Signs and symbols used to communicate. The Mayans used hieroglyphics to represent sounds, things, and ideas.

5) What type of dwelling was common among the people of the Southwest?

6) What was the first crop rose by Native Americans in Mexico?
            The first crop was maize.

1 comment:

  1. Hannah - where is the other page (for question 1)?

    Also, did the natives have weapons?
