Saturday, March 10, 2012

Chapter 19

What improvements in railway transportation were brought about by new technology

The air brakes, electromagnetic brake, refrigerated cars, Janney car cuplers, and Polmen sleeping cars.  

What were four of Thomas Edison's inventions?
The light bulb, the phonograph, the motion picture projector, and the telephone transmitter.  

What inventions improved communications in the late 1800s?
The telegraph and the telephone.

What manufacturing methods did Henry Ford use to make his new automobile affordable?
The assembly line. 

What is vertical integration?
Accruing company the divided the equipment and surveys needed. 

What action did Congress take to control trusts and monopolies in response to pressure from the American people?
Shurman's Antitrust act. 

What is collective bargaining?
Unions represent workers in bargaining with management. 

How did the Haymarket Riot of 1886 affect public opinion about the labor movement?
Many people associated it terrorism and disorient.
Describe the contributions of African American inventors in the late 1800s.
Luis Howard Latimer developed and improved filament for the light bulb. Grainvile Woods patented the electric incubator, electromagnetic brake, and an automatic circuit breaker. Elijah McCoy he invented a mechanism for oiling machinery. Jan E. Matzeliger he developed a shoe making machine.

How did horizontal integration differ from vertical integration?
Horizontal combined competing firms into one corporation. Vertical acquired companies that provided the need equipment and services.  

Why did the workers think that forming organized labor unions would help them get what they wanted from employers?
More people would listen to you when you have a union apposed to one person. 

Describe two ways in which the growing railroad network helped American industry.
Expansion into the west and the transpiration of good and people cross country.


What forms of transportation moved goods into and out of this region?
Trains and Ships

What industry grew in the timbered regions of Wisconsin and Michigan?

Identify the major iron/steel manufacturing centers shown on the map.
South Bend, Detroit, Cleveland, Youngs Town, Buffalo, and Pittsburgh.


If you traveled from Florida to California, what time zones would you cross?
eastern, central, mountain, and Pacific time zones. 

If it is 6 AM in Maine, what time is it in Hawaii?
If it is 3 PM in Texas, what time is it in Alaska?
12 pm

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