Friday, March 30, 2012

Chapter 23 Study Questions

1) What ideas or ideologies lead to World War I beginning? 
-Nationalism, it only takes a spark to start a roaring fire. So when one nation attacks another, they get all of their allies in a return attack too. 

 2) Outline the specific events in 1914 that led to a World War.
-The assaination of Franz Ferdinand. 
-3) What advancements in technology help create massive causalities?
-The airplane, bombs, toxic gases, although they killed themselves just as much as they killed the enemy with gas because of the wind. 

4) How did the forming of alliances increase the likelihood of war?
-Well, with the alliances, you don't just attack one nation, you attack 5 different countries. So, it gets them more and more involved and eventually you have a world war. 

5) List the Allies and the Central Powers during the war.
United Kingdom
Monte Negro
-Central Powers
Ottoman Empire

6) Explain how world in Europe brought an economic boom for the United States.
-7) Briefly discuss the importance of the following battles: Marne, Verdun, Somme, Gallipoli, Argonne Forest.
-Marne- it was fought between September 5-12, 1914 and is saved Paris from invasion by the Germans and boosted French moral. It also made it clear that neither side was going the win the war quickly or easily. 
-Verdun- It was one the longest and bloodiest battle of the war, there were 750,000 deaths in that battle alone. 
-Somme- This battle was going on while Verdun was going on. The British and French gained 7 miles in the offensive attack. The number of casualties was very high, yet again. 

8) Who was the U.S. General in Command during the war?
-General John J. Pershing. 

-9) Write three questions of your own based on information that you found interesting in these sections.
ALSO PAGE 692 questions 5-17.

5) Why did European nations form alliances?
6) Why did the Zimmermann telegram push the United States toward war?
-Cause the German's were trying to bribe the Mexicans to join the war. 

7) What was Sussex Pledge?
- They wouldn't sink merchant ships unless there was war supplies and if they do sink the ship they have to make sure that all of the passengers are safe before they sink it. 

8) Who won the presidency in the election of 1916?
- Woodrow Wilson 

9) How did Russia's withdrawal affect World War I?
- Russia's withdrawal from the war allowed hundreds of thousands of troops, in the line of battle, from the Eastern front to the Western front in France. 

10) In what ways did the war help improve condition for American workers?
-The government needed people to work and get jobs so people could make unions, get eight hour work days, and blacks and mexicans and women got equal pay and equal job opportunities. 

11) Who were the leaders at the Paros Peace Conference?
-President Woodrow Wilson of the US
Prime Minister David Lloyd George of Great Britain
Premier Georges Clemenceau of France
Prime Minister Vittorio Orlando of Italy

12) What was Henry Cabot Lodge's greatest concern about the League of Nations?
-That if the US joined to League of Nations that American troops and ships may be called to any part of the world by a nation other than the US.

13) What advantages did airplanes provide in the war? 
-It was easier to attack and bomb cities. Also they could transport things faster. 

14) How did President Wilson use Russia's revolution in March of 1917 to gain support for the war?
Many American's thought that Russia's new government would help the Allies. Wilson could then claim that the Allies were fighting a war of democracy against autocracy.

15) What four nations dominated the Paris Peace Conference? 
-U.K, U.S., France, Italy. 

16) Explain the causes of labor shortage in the United States during the war. 
-It provided new job opportunities for women and minorities. Many woman joined the workforce for the first time and were hired for jobs previously held by men. 
It also brought thousands of African AMericans to Northern cities.
Thousands of Mexican's also migrated to the US 

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