Monday, January 9, 2012

Chapter 12 Questions

1) What was Manifest Destiny? 
It was this idea that Americans had this god given right and duty to expand the entire country from coast to coast. 

2) The Oregon Territory consisted of what area? Who claimed it?
The Oregon Territory consisted of land between the Pacific Ocean and the Rocky Mountains north of California. It included Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and parts of Montana and Wyoming. four nations staked claim on the land, The United States, Great Britain, Spain, and Russia. 

3) Who were the Mountain Men?
They were men who were involved with the the American Fur Company.They were trappers and fur traders. They spent most of their time in the rocky mountains. They also adopted

4) Why was the Oregon Trail important? 
Because the depression in 1837 hit Mississippi really hard so they all wanted to move and it started the Oregon fever and they used the Oregon trail to get there.

5) Discuss the meaning behind the slogan "Fifty-Four Forty or Fight"?
It refereed to the line of latitude that most democrats thought should be the nations northern boarder in Oregon. 

6) James Polk made what promises to the American public during the election of 1844 (list four - you might need to look up on the Internet).
-US would either take or fight for Oregon territory

-Take California from Mexico
-Retire after four years
-Lower the tariff to the Federal Government. 

7) Discuss how Texas became independent.
-Most of the settlers were from America to begin with.
-People who lived in Texas made an army and then took San Antonio
-A lot of battles happened there

8) Discuss the battles of The Alamo and San Jacinto.
         During the battle of the Alamo the Texans had 180 soldiers and had cannons, but little gun powder. The Mexicans, on the other hand, had thousands of soldiers and had a lot of supplies. The Texans held out for 12 days until the Mexicans busted down the walls of the Alamo with cannons and rampaged the Texans.
         During the battle of San Jacinto Commander Sam Houston led a small army on a surprise attack on the Mexicans near Santa Anna. They killed about 600 people and then took Santa Anna.

9) How long did it take the U.S. to annex Texas? Why?
It took about 8 years. There was worry that having another slave state would upset the ratio to free states. 

10) How did the Mexican-American War start? Why did it start? Was it a "Just War"?
-President Polk wanted the money that the Mexicans owed him so he provoked them. They won't pay up so Polk sent an army to go collect the money.
 -The American's wanted to control the California and New Mexico land.
-The term was used because the Mexican's invaded American land and the American's didn't  even notice.

11) What was the American response to the war? 
Some people supported it because they thought it was all about Manifest Destiny but others were did't support it.

12) List the major battles of the war.
-Battle of Mexico City

-Monterey, Sep. 1847
-Buena Vista 

13) What was the cost of the war?
$125 million

14) Why was the California Gold Rush important?
It brought more population and bumped up economy. Also it lead Mormons to Utah.

15) Answer the following questions on page 380 - #6 - #10, #13-#15.
#6- They made the boundary at 49 degrees North,
#7- Because he thought it would upset the balance between free states and slave states. 
#8- Having an ocean boarder would be safer from other countries. 
#9- Mexico refused to sell California and New Mexico to America and that texas was annexed with Mexicans thought was illegal. 
#10- They had no where else to buy supplies so merchants could charge anything they wanted. 
#13- The states gained a lot of land, almost doubling its land when we gained California. 
#14-they thought it was unreasonable and were upset about it. 
#15- Well the American's weren't able to come to a compromise with the Mexicans so a war broke out. 

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