Friday, January 27, 2012

Chapter 15 and 16 The American Journey

Chapter 15

What was the purpose of the Missouri compromise?
-The purpose of the Missouri compromise was the settle the arguments about Slavery.  

List the five parts of the compromise of 1850.
- It was a compromise that made California a free state.
-New Mexico and Utah had no restriction on slavery
-No slave trade in D.C.
-Fugitive slave law provided justice to assist slave owners in recovery run away slaves.
-Texas had no restrictions on slavery and gained 10 million dollars for the land that cam to be New Mexico and its boundaries were set.

What was Stephen Douglas’s solution to the slavery issue in the Kansas and Nebraska territories?
-He proposed abandoning the Missouri compromise and letting the settlers in each territory vote weather to allow slavery.

How did Abraham Lincoln become a national figure in politics?
-He had a heated debate with Douglas about slavery and slave owners rights. Lincoln was one of the first people to nationally defend black people. He lots the election but became a national figure ever sense.

What was the Dred Scott decision? What did he mean for those opposed to slavery?
-The Dred Scott decision had to do with the man, Dred Scott, and how he tried to sue for freedom, because he was once on free soil. The court decided that an enslaved person was property, and the Fifth Amendment prohibits Congress fro taking away property without due process of law. The Republicans were outraged and thought it was the greatest crime ever committed in the nations court. The Democrats, on the other hand, were pleased that the Republicans were ruled unconstitutional.

Why were there four parties and candidates in the presidential election of 1860?
- The Democratic Party spilt over the slavery issue and nominated two candidates in separate conventions. The republicans were a new party made up of northern whigs and others. They were against expansions of slavery and apposed Bucannon.

How did Lincoln plan to prevent secession?
-He said that the secession would not be permitted, vowing to hold federal property in the south and to enforce the laws of the U.S.

Chapter 16

-They had a more experienced military they were defending their territory and strong supposed from the southern white population.

-Abraham Lincoln was for the union and Jefferson Davis was for the confederacy.

-She started delivering supplies and aiding the union she assisted surgeons with supplies and helped in the operations for the entire war.  

-It would keep the south from exporting cotton and importing supplies.

-This was a battle where the confederates outnumbered the union but the union won because of their surprise attack. The confederate arm lost 7000+ men.

-He would free all of the African Americans in the south forever!

-The union let the blacks fight which benefitted them because they new the land of the south.

-When the slaves ran away it left their cotton fields to die and trade was cut by more then 2/3.

-Lee’s soldiers had to lay down their arms, but then were free to go home, keep their horses and got enough food for three days.

-They are upset, and most of them left because they didn’t want to secede from the union.

-The river allowed access to all trade and when the north gained control, it was very helpful.

-The war needed fighters, and so the Blacks were glad to fight as long as it meant they got their freedom.
-He had professional military training and bold.  

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