Thursday, January 26, 2012

Don't Know Much About History, Road to the CIvil War

1.     How had the U.S. changed in the 72 years from Washington to Lincoln?
a.     More states, before,
b.     slaves were legal, but now there are slave states and free states
                                               i.     South was based on farming, north with shipping an trade.
2.     Who invented the cotton gin? How did the cotton gin change the country?
a.     Eli Whitney
b.     It makes cotton very profitable, before cotton it took a slave a long time to get the seeds, but the gin makes it easier.
c.      Mass production, leads to the manufacturing of clock, locks, and guns. 
3.     Discuss the difference between the North and the South by 1860. Why was it two cultures with two ideologies?
a.     The north was more populated and expanding their farming and manufacturing.
b.     The south had more slaves. White population wasn’t, but slaves were.
c.      The south wanted to be left alone, they thought the north was trying to take over.
4.     What did the future President Grant say about the Mexican-American war?
a.     It was one of the most unjust ever waged by a stronger against weaker nation.
5.     How did the U.S. start the Mexican-American war? What did Zachary Taylor do to start the war?
a.     They built a fort to an area that was disputed.
b.     They sent someone across the river which was like invading.
6.     How did Henry David Thoreau protest the Mexican American War? How did this protest change in the world?
a.     He did pay his pole tax and spent the night in jail. Then he wrote a paper that inspires people about protesting.
7.     Who was Frederick Douglas? Why was he important?
a.     A newspaper writer in New York, also an escaped slave.
8.     What was the Underground Railroad? Where did it run?
a.     A route where people smuggled slaves to either Canada or free states up north.
9.     Who was Harriet Tubman? Why was she important?
a.     She escaped but she came back and help other slave escape. She lead all the slave to freedom.
10. What was the compromise of 1850? What bills came out of it?
a.     It was a compromise that made California a free state.
b.     New Mexico and Utah had no restriction on slavery
c.      No slave trade in D.C.
d.     Fugitive slave law provided justice to assist slave owners in recovery run away slaves.
11. Why was Uncle Tom’s cabin important?
a.     It showed what really happened to the slaves
b.     It showed that slaves were actually people not property
12. What were Lincoln’s words to Stowe about the book?
a.     “so you’re the little woman that wrote the book that made this great war.”
13. What was the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
a.     Bug argument over whether Kansas and Nebraska was able to be free or slave, and the people got to choose.
14. Why was Kansas bloody?
a.     First battle in the civil war and over 200 people died.
15. What did John Brown do in Kansas?
a.     He was the fist anti slavery attacker.
16. What was he Dred Scott case? What was the outcome?
a.     A slave was suing his owners for freedom because he was in a place where slavery was illegal. 
17. How did John Brown have a sense of humor?
a.     He put a cheap price on the president for 2.50
18. What was John Brown’s plan when he attacked Harpers ferry?
a.     He was going to take over the arsenal and have slave come and fight for him. No one came and he was captured. 

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